The Pulper

The Pulper is a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application.

The data sets are Pulp Magazine editions from the 30s and 40s because, frankly, who doesn't love reading pulp magazines.


The data has a variety of publishers, magazines and series pre-populated.

Each user has a unique session. This is valid for 5 minutes without activity, at which point it will be deleted and you will be provided with a new session.


The main entities are:

Book brings all of the entities together in that a Book has a publisher, an Author (multiple authors often), belongs in a Series and also has a House Author.

Note, not all pulp magazine fit into this model. Since this is a test app I don't really mind.


We have a variety of screens showing clickable reports, lists of stuff, create screens, edit/amend screens and you can delete Entity Instances (e.g. a book) from the edit screens.

I'm sure you'll find your way around.


You can find different versions of the app downloadable from Github

The different versions may be easier to automate, harder, different stylings, buggy etc.

Current Version Capabilities

Version 011

Long standing bug fixes.

Version 010

Bug fixes for v009 - Front End use of API.

Version 009

Front End uses API.

Version 008

Ajax Search Using API

Version 007

Ajax Creation Using API - Incomplete And Experimental

Version 006

Ajax Creation - Incomplete And Experimental

Version 005

Bug Fix

Version 004

Inline Amend and Delete links.

Version 003

A simple CRUD Application which is easier to automate.

Version 002

A simple CRUD Application.

Version 001

A simple Canned Data Application.

Select Version


The Pulper has a 'REST'ish API. This is used by later versions of the application.

You can find the API documentation on Github:

There is a Insomnia .json file you can import into Insomnia to use.

There is a Postman .json file you can import into Postman to use.

Pulp Magazines

It can be outrageously expensive to collect original pulp magazines and they have a tendency to fall apart when you try to read them.

Fortunately have quite a lot of scanned pulps.

Sadly, the pulp archive above does not seem to have any issues of The Spider, or Doc Savage but there are companies still reprinting these today.

I highly recommend hunting out reprints of:

Or you could read easier to get hold of reprints e.g. HP Lovecraft, or Robert E Howard's Conan or Solomon Kane.

Written By

This application has been written by Alan Richardson, Compendium Developments Ltd |

Contact Alan



Alan is a Software Development consultant helping people improve their Agile Software Development approaches and Technical Testing Processes incorporating Automation. When testing and programing Alan enjoys working at a technical level using techniques from psychotherapy and computer science. In his spare time Alan has programmed a variety of games, tools utilities and libraries: tools and apps list . Alan is the author of the books "Dear Evil Tester", "Java For Testers" and "Automating and Testing a REST API". Alan's main website is and he blogs at His company trading site with full brand portfolio is at